Physical Education
Physical education distance learning website
All Red Pine students participate in a districtwide personal fitness assessment every fall and spring.
Students are checked in the areas of:
- Abdominal strength
- Upper body strength and endurance
- Flexibility of the lower back and hamstrings
- Cardio-respiratory endurance
The emphasis of the fitness assessment is for each student to maintain or improve his/her level of physical fitness. Districtwide norms for each item of the assessment have been compiled and are sent home in the fall and spring progress report. The norms provide information in regard to each child's level of fitness in relationship to other students in the district.
The whistle blows. They're off! Each day, when students arrive at the gym, they are encouraged to do their best, develop a variety of skills and have fun!
Red Pine's developmentally-based physical education program emphasizes skill building, positive attitudes, and creative expression. Physical education is the place where learning the values of teamwork, cooperation, respect for rules, and respect for the diversity of others is promoted. The goal of the program is to promote active, healthy lifestyles and positive self esteem.
Parents are encouraged to:
- Take an active role in your child's personal fitness and wellness.
- Plan physical activities involving the entire family.
- Encourage your child to practice skills and share information learned in physical education class.
Mike Kotasek