Lego League
Minnesota FIRST LEGO League (MN FLL) is part of an international program that includes more than 150,000 kids in 56 countries. It is a team-based, hands-on program that provides challenging and exciting learning opportunities for young people.
MN FLL spurs innovation, develops teamwork, enhances communication skills, and promotes excitement in science and technology. Team members meet weekly after school to fulfill two project components, the Research Project and The Robot Game. Teams conduct research to solve a real-world problem, develop an innovative solution and present and share their work at the December Regional Competition. Teams design, build and program autonomous LEGO robots to achieve specific missions and compete in three, two-and-a-half-minute performance rounds at the competition. The roles they assume grant kids the thrill of discovery as they witness firsthand how abstract concepts become concrete solutions.
For more information, contact Linda Denmark at, or visit the MN FLL website.